I am Keith P. Graham.
I have been a programmier/hacker since 1969. I wrote in assembly language because that was as close to silicon as a hacker could get without a soldering iron. I was a programming manager at Lockheed Martin for 15 years, and then a consultant at IBM Watson Research Center. I have sold about 80 Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror stories.
I've been reading Science Fiction for a very long time. My first contact was with a very kindly Librarian who steered me towards SF Juveniles around 1957. I know it broke her heart to do it, but I had asked for 'Space Stories' and it was much better that I read 'trash' than not read anything at all.
About that time my cousin Jeff told me a bed time story. It was the outline of a Heinlein novel and I was ruined for life.
I soon discovered Edgar Rice Burroughs and worked my way through the Tarzan Series just about the time that the Mars novels starting appearing in paperback. My Uncle Robert Hunt had boxes of Astounding Magazine in his attic that I found one day. It turns out he loved Science Fiction but, as a politician and prominent member of the community, it was something that he kept quiet. I spent many hours in that hot dusty attic reading crumbling yellow magazines from the 1930s and 40s. (Unfortunately these treasures didn't survive a spring cleaning while I was away at college.)
When I turned twelve I got a paper route. My profits were about $5 per week. I spent 10 cents per day on cream soda, 10 cents per week on Comics and about $2.50 on paperbacks. This was when SF books cost 35 cents. The summer of my 13th year I read over one hundred books. Three quarters of them were Science Fiction.
I've read a lot of books. 90% were crap - but 90% of everything is crap. Bad Science Fiction is better than the best movie, TV show, or sporting event. It wasn't until the the 1960s when I discovered sex, drugs, and rock & roll that that I lost my book a day habit.
Now in my 70s I listen to 2 or 3 audio books a month - with the bonus that I can reread a book I read 20 years ago and not remember how it ends. My Grandfather, an insatiable reader up to his death at 92, told me that the only advantage of getting old is that you can pick up a book that you know you read last month and enjoy as though you were reading it for the first time.
I am a computer programmer with more than 50 years experience. In addition to ranting about SF I have many other strange and interesting websites including the oldest and largest site on the Internet dedicated to playing Blues Harmonica.